Old Man Winter paid us a visit over the weekend and he must have liked the area because I hear he is planning a return visit this Friday and Saturday. lol
Our typical winter is about 5o degrees during the daytime and of course cooler at night. We are way below normal. We got hit with an ice storm over last weekend. Nothing moves in the deep south when that happens. lol We don't have a lot of salt trucks.
The roads are neither flat or straight here. Lots of curves and hills, which makes it near impossible to get up the slightest incline.
Here are a few pics of outside our house.
Aren't the berries pretty in their rich red color?
We are prone to an occasional ice storm more so than snowstorms. When the ice comes, schools stores, churches, businesses all close. It usually melts in a day or two.
Only a dusting of snow came with this storm.
I guess my little snowman on the mailbox was asking for it. lol
Look at all my pansies under that ice. Never fear, they are the hardiest little flower you could ever have in this weather. They will perk right up, even after being encased in ice for a few days.
Hubby was worried about are little friends and spread some bird seed on the ground for them.
They had a hard time with the feeder being iced over.
We really enjoy watching them everyday. We are getting so many different kinds of birds lately.
It was a good time to hunker down, snuggle and read.
My Mom had given me this book at Thanksgiving and I had not taken the time to read it till now. It's a heart warming story.
After that I got in the cleaning mood again and took everything off the book shelves, cleaned, organized them by subjects and through away some old musty paperbacks.
That's what's happening in my neck of the woods. What have you been up to?
wow, that is an ice storm! we had about 6" of snow dumped on us Saturday, we're supposed to get a few more inches over night/tomorrow and then a larger snow producing storm is supposed to hit us friday/saturday.
i want spring! lol
I meant to get that book for my hubby for Christmas and I forgot-oops! We like him and watch his show and have read his other books.
We, too, are in for more snow - actually, it is snowing right now! Goodness. Things get cleaned up rather quickly and the snow is pretty...especially with those hardy little flowers poking their pretty color out:)...it is the cold that I just do.not. enjoy! A good book is a great idea for this weekend (yes, another storm predicted!) and I have not heard of that Beck book...I'll have to check that one out. Stay warm, friend.
PS - Did you make the snowman that is on the door in your header?? Just too cute.
The berries looks so pretty covered in ice. We had about 7 inches of snow, then sleet, more snow and today rain all day. I ventured out to the grocery store and got stuck at the top of the driveway. I thought we moved away from this when we left Michigan. LOL.
I am always amazed at how well the pansies do once spring weather arrives.
Your post has reminded me to get out there and fill up the bird feeder again. They sure are eating it up quick.
Hope you are enjoying your new book and also your clean house. Stay warm.
brrr...and read your email!!
talk to you soon!
Old man winter is playing havoc with us this year too! Last weekends storm brought 13 inches of snow, we have snow and sleet yesterday, and they are calling for more snow this weekend! I am really getting Spring Fever!
Way too cold for moi! I'm still loving the "snowmen" theme you have going there!
Hey Girlfriend,
So nice to see you and thank you for stopping by and your kind comments.
You really got hit with the ice storm. We don't have the salt trucks here either. In fact, they use sand and it makes a mess.
Your weather is like ours. We are having a very cold winter. Temps way below what we usually have during the day and nights. We are also due for very cold days next week again.
Love your pics. Pansies are such a hardy little flower. Mine are hanging on too. They don't like hot weather at all. I am sure the little birdies are enjoying the seeds. We love to watch the birds too. Those red berries are beautiful next to the ice and snow.
My hubby also read this book over the holiday. I have to read it too, just been too busy and I hate to say, I am several books behind right now.
Hope you have a great rest of the week and weekend. Stay warm and be safe.
Celestina Marie
~WOW! You really got some snow! It's pretty.
We have had not one bit yet this season. I wish we would get just a little bit! :)
Interesting post, nice pictures! Ice and snow look pretty, but I don't like to be in it!!
Trying to catch up on reading blogs!
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