They have many Rams. Some are sold for $800.00 a piece. The bigger the horns the more valuable they are. One ram can mate about 100 ewes. (busy fellow) I bet you didn't know that tidbit. lol Their horns are 32" or more from base around to the tip. I think you can see the horns in pic below.
The houses in the background are rentals on their property.They can have anywhere from 200 to 400 on the farm at a time. They sell the rams to hunting preserves.
That's for the good news.-- The bad news is while we were there, hubby got a call from the cardiologist about a stress test he had done on Mon. There was an abnormality showing on the back side of the heart and he wanted us in the office by 3:45. ( If you remember he had heart surgery this past Oct. and had been doing very well and in rehab. )
At the dr. office he explained that there may not be enough blood getting to the back side of the heart.
He is going back into the hospital tomorrow (Thurs.) and have a heart cath. done to see exactly what is going on and what they need to do about it. They will take care of it while he is in though. We would appreciate your prayers if you think of us. I'm not sure when I will get to post again but will update you as soon as I can.
The day did not get better when I received a call from my best friend Ceekay telling me results of her dr. visit. She has been battling ovarian cancer for a couple of years now. She has some new growths which will require more surgery. She needs and appreciates our prayers.
I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your week. I appreciate each one of you!